Men Spanking Men


Vince The Lifeguard Gets His Butt Spanked!
Vince is very much a ladies man and when he took on the job as lifeguard he thought it would be a one way ticket to fun on the beach with the girls-wrong! The superintendent is not happy with his behaviour and decides to make an example of him. Vince goes through a rigorous punishment process with paddles and hairbrush. And little did he know he would be across the superintendents knee. But thats what happens when you don’t follow the rules!

My First Cp4men Spanking! Featuring Vince
You may have seen Vince on another well know spanking site but being an inquisitive boy Vince has welcome the opportunity to get spanked at Cp4men. We start on shorts then underwear then bare. To finish off Vince gets the hairbrush and he's told to say “one sir-thank you sir” where we hear his wonderful American accent! Will he be back for more? I think so!