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Tysons’s Student Spanking!
Tysons Guardian has just got his exam results which are totally unacceptable. His concentration levels are extremely bad so it’s time for something that will help him concentrate on being a much better student. Tyson is sent to his room and it’s not long before he is over the knee getting his bottom soundly spanked. Hopefully it will make him a better student and to concentrate more. Will he achieve this? I have a feeling he will be back for more discipline in the months to come!

My First Cp4men Spanking! Featuring Vince
You may have seen Vince on another well know spanking site but being an inquisitive boy Vince has welcome the opportunity to get spanked at Cp4men. We start on shorts then underwear then bare. To finish off Vince gets the hairbrush and he's told to say “one sir-thank you sir” where we hear his wonderful American accent! Will he be back for more? I think so!

Spanked Soccer Star! Featuring Oscar
Oscar doesn’t seem tone scoring any goals so the Manager plans to give him some incentive by putting him over his lap for a good spanking. He starts on shorts which soon come down revealing a very nice bare bottom. Some more quick-fire spanks are administered and to finish off Oscar gets some extra with the ping pong paddle. Will his scoring improve? We shall see!

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