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The Head Master Spanks Tyson!
Tyson thinks he’s found a nice secluded place to fulfil his favourite pastime and that is smoking! Not so secluded it seems as the Headmaster has discovered his hideaway! Tyson is summonsed to the Headmasters study and receives an over the raised knee spanking on trousers under then bare. Has he learned his lesson? I think not! Once again he gets caught in the after break period and this time it’s a real lesson in disobedience. This time Tyson gets the slipper over the stool on his well developed buttocks starting on trousers, underwear then bare!

Sebastian's Office Spanking
Sebastian doesn't seem to be getting the job done at the office so the office manager gives him the option-it's either he goes or the attitude goes! Sebastian needs the job and goes for some attitude changing methods suggested by the manager-yes you've guessed it. The manager has dealt with many boys like this and the only way to his brain is through his bottom so Sebastian accepts his fate and receives a good spanking!

William Gets Spanked For His Misdemeanour!
William is in big trouble and Elder John decides to discipline him. It's his duty not to spare the rod so William goes over the knee for a sound spanking first on trousers then underwear then bare. He hopes that this teaches William a lesson in self control!

House Boy Cody Gets A Christmas Spanking!
Cody is in serious trouble! He is supposed to be organising the house and the food for the big day ahead but he is caught dozing. The Housemaster is not happy and it’s very simple-if you don’t pay attention to the rules you get a spanking! Cody is soon over the knee and receives a sound spanking on trousers underwear then bare. Hopefully the spanking will keep him awake for the rest of the day!

Lift & Spank Featuring Ashley and Zack
A concept Ive been wanted to show for a long time. Ive always thought that Ashley and Zack would be perfect but getting these to guys in the same place at the same time has been difficult! Zack is a very strong guy and was able to lift Ashley over his shoulder for a spanking no problem. Starting on shorts then another pair of white shorts then ending up bare bottom. At the end of the two rounds we couldn’t resist putting Ashley over the knee for a few friendly swats.

Doctor’s Orders Featuring Tyson!
Tyson thinks he can get away with not cleaning the latrines and claims he is unwell but the camp Doctor is having none of it-his diagnosis is lazy-itis! To adjust Tyson's method of thinking the doctor sets about giving him a well proven method of mind adjustment-and that’s a soundly spanked bottom! And just to reinforce the punishment Tyson gets an extra 20 with the paddle. This will give him something to think about the next time he cries wolf!

Noah’s First Spanking!
Introducing Noah for his very first spanking. Noah got in touch and was very keen to find out what it was like to get spanked. We start on jeans then underwear then bare. Noah also gets some extra with the hairbrush. Noah will be back for more in the New Year!

Sebastian's First Cp4men Spanking!
He’s straight and he needs a spanking!
A big welcome to Sebastian who jumped at the chance to get spanked at Cp4men. He may be a tough east-ender but when he’s over the knee he becomes a very naughty boy! His spanking starts with the hand on shorts then underwear then bare. He then gets some extra swats with the ping pong paddle and what a pleasure it is to hear him say “one sir thank you sir” in his east end London accent! We shall be seeing more of Sebastian in the new year!

Life Guard In Trouble! Featuring Harry
Harry has been told time and time again that smoking is not good for him The city councillor has had enough of his total disregard and plans to make an example of him. Discipline is the only way to teach this young man and Harry knows what to expect. Over the knee he goes starting on his tight red shorts then spanked on his swimwear and eventually his bare bottom! Perhaps this will teach him to take better care of his health!

Tysons’s Student Spanking!
Tysons Guardian has just got his exam results which are totally unacceptable. His concentration levels are extremely bad so it’s time for something that will help him concentrate on being a much better student. Tyson is sent to his room and it’s not long before he is over the knee getting his bottom soundly spanked. Hopefully it will make him a better student and to concentrate more. Will he achieve this? I have a feeling he will be back for more discipline in the months to come!

My First Cp4men Spanking! Featuring Vince
You may have seen Vince on another well know spanking site but being an inquisitive boy Vince has welcome the opportunity to get spanked at Cp4men. We start on shorts then underwear then bare. To finish off Vince gets the hairbrush and he's told to say “one sir-thank you sir” where we hear his wonderful American accent! Will he be back for more? I think so!

Spanked Soccer Star! Featuring Oscar
Oscar doesn’t seem tone scoring any goals so the Manager plans to give him some incentive by putting him over his lap for a good spanking. He starts on shorts which soon come down revealing a very nice bare bottom. Some more quick-fire spanks are administered and to finish off Oscar gets some extra with the ping pong paddle. Will his scoring improve? We shall see!

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